Dragan Borota
E-mail: dragan.borota@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 95
Consultation: Monday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
He was born on April 11, 1978 in Glina, Republic of Croatia. Аt the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade on Chair for Forest Management Planning he graduated in 2003. After graduating, he was hired at the Chair of Forest Management Planning as an expert associate on projects. In the same period, he worked as a coordinator on a project such as the National Forest Inventory of the Republic of Serbia.
In the period from 2009-2012, he was employed in the agency “LUX-Development” on the FODEMO project, funded by the Government of Luxembourg, as an advisor and coordinator for the National Forest Inventory of Montenegro and technical assistant for the conducting activities for its implementation.
He defended his master’s thesis in 2011, and he was elected as assistant in 2012. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2019 and in the same year he was elected Assistant with a doctorate. He is a member of the Association of Forestry Engineers and Technicians of Serbia.
Professional training;
- Training in remote sensing and GIS – Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany – 2011.
- Expert visit to Hessen Forst, Giessen Germany – 2017,
- Invitation lecture at Mendeleev University, Brno, Czech Republic – 2019
Research interests
Dendrometry, Forest Inventory, (Stand inventory, National Forest Inventory), Aero-photogrammetry, Remote sensing, GIS, Forest Management Planning,
Engaging Teaching
Basic studies
- Dendrometry
Master studies
- Forest inventory
- Application of aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing in forest inventory
Master studies on English
- Natural Resources Management
- Forest Inventory
Selected papers
- Borota D. (2019): The possibilities for Applications of aero photogrammetry in Forest Inventory in Vojvodina, Doctoral dissertation, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, (1-312).
- Vauhkonen J., Pantic D., Borota D., et al. (2019): Harmonised projections of future Forest Resources in Europe, Annals of Forest Science, 76 (3): (1-12). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-019-0863-6
- Gschwantner T., Borota D., Pantić D., et al. (2019): Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories, Annals of Forest Science, 76 (1): (1-23). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-019-0800-8
- Pantić D., Medarević M., Borota D. (2016), Book National forest inventories – assessment of wood availability and use, Chapter 39. The Serbian National Forest Inventory, Springer International Publishing, pp. 709 – 730, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44015-6
- Pantić D., Medarević M., Dees M., Borota D., Tubić B., Obradović S., Šljukić B., Čuković D., Marinković M. (2015): Analysis of the growth characteristics of a 450-year-old Silver Fir tree, Archives of Biological Sciences, 67 (1): (155-160). doi:10.2298/abs140919018p
- Pantić D., Borota D. (2015): The National Forest Inventory of Serbia: State and possible future directions of development, Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry 112, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, (9-32). 112 (9-32), UDK: 630*524.61(497.11) doi: 10.2298/gsf1512009p
- Dees M., Anđelić M., Borota D. et al. (2013): “First National Forest Inventory of Montenegro”, Ministry of agriculture and rural development, Lux-Development – FODEMO Project, Podgorica, ISBN 978-86-85799-15-0
- Dees M., Hahn N., Borota D., et al. (2011): “Methodology for National Forest Inventory of Montenegro ”, Ministry of agriculture and rural development, Lux-Development – FODEMO Project, Podgorica, ISBN 978-86-85799-07-5