Sara Lukić
E-mail: sara.lukic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 108
Consultation: среда, 12‒14 часова
Dr Sara Lukić was born on June 7th 1974 in Valjevo (Serbia), where she finished primary school and high school.
She participates in bachelor, master and PhD studies at University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry.
She deals with the study of the environmental effects of the application of ameliorative measures and techniques on the soil and land affected by various forms of degradation, including extremely degraded lands such as bare land and sites of former mining activities. She is also concerned in study of protective forest belts (shelterbelts and windbreaks): the efficiency of shelterbelts in wind speed reduction in relation to structure and porosity of the shelterbelt in field conditions, the efficiency of tree species and agricultural crops in wind erosion reduction, etc. The aim of these studies is to identify the potentials of water and wind erosion control measures and techniques for sustainable land management.
She have participated as a researcher in 10 scientific projects, among them the project Research of Climate Change on the Environment: Monitoring Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation (43007) financed by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia. She also participated in a number of projects professional projects.
She published more than 50 scientific articles in the field of forest restoration, afforestation, protective forest belts/shelterbelts, land reclamation and carbon sequestration. Also, she is author of the textbook “Protective Forest Belts”. She is Guest Editor of the Sustainability Journal Special Issue “Sustainable Geomatics and Civil Engineering”.
She actively participates in the work and activities of the bodies and commissions of the Faculty of Forestry and she is the Chairman of Chair of Amelioration.
Research interests
Forest ecosystem restoration in degraded environments (bare lands, revegetation of mine environments (deposals, dumps and excavation sites); impacts of reforestation and afforestation on biodiversity at site and landscape scales; protective forest belts in agroforestry systems and wind erosion control
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry DSc – Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection, 2013 (Doctoral Dissertation: The Effects of Ameliorative Afforestation in Grdelička Gorge and Vranjska Valley)
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry MSc – Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection, 2006 (Master thesis: The Effects of Standard Windbreaks and Usual Agricultural Crops on Wind Velocity)
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry BSc – Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection, 2000
Professional experience
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry – Department of Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection: 2019 – current – associate professor
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry – Department of Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection: 2015-2019 – assistant professor
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry – Department of Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection: 2006-2013 – teaching assistant
University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry – Department of Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection: 2001-2006 – junior teaching assistant
Professional Organizations
Membership in:
- The World Association for Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC),
- Soil Science Society of Serbia
- Torrent Control Society of Serbia
- Serbian Chamber of Engineers and licensed designer (375O07215)
Engaging Teaching
Bachelor’s degree studies
Compulsory subject:
- Forest Amelioration 1
- Forest Amelioration 2
Elective subject:
- Land Reclamation
Master’s degree studies
Compulsory subject:
- Agroforestry Systems
Elective subject:
- Ecological Effects of Forest Amelioration Measures and Works
Doctoral studies
- Phytoremediation
Selected papers
- Jokanović, D.; Vilotić, D.; Jokanović, N.; Lukić, S.; Ćirković-Mitrović, T. (2020). Site influence on anatomical structure of Bald Cypress. Wood Research 65(1): 13-14.
- Baumgertel A.; Lukić, S.; Belanović Simić, S.; Kadović, R. (2019). Identifying Areas Sensitive to Wind Ersoion – A Cas Study of the AP Vojvodina (Serbia). Applied Sciences. doi:10.3390/app9235106
- Baumgertel, A.; Dragović, N.; Vulević, T.; Lukić, S. (2019). Cost management as a part of integrated management of torrential watershed in Serbia: a case study of Topčiderska River. WasserWirtschaft, 109:4-13
- Lukić S., Belanović Simić S., Pantić D., Beloica J., Baumgertel A., Miljković P., Borota D., Kadović R. (2018): Carbon storage in shelterbelts in the agroforestry systems of the Bačka Palanka area (Serbia). AGROFOR International Journal 3(2):80-90.
- Lukić, S.; Pantić, D.; Belanović Simić, S.; Borota, D.; Tubić, B.; Djukić, M.; Djunisijević-Bojović, D (2015). Effects of black locust and black pine on extremely degraded sites 60 years after afforestation – a case study of the Grdelica Gorge (southeastern Serbia). IForest. http://dx.doi.org/10.3832/ifor1512-008
- Lukić S., Kadović R., Knežević M., Beloica J., Djukić V., Belanović Simić S. (2015): Soil carbon accumulation as a response to the afforestation method used in the Grdelica Gorge in southeastern Serbia. Proceedingd of the International Conference Reforestation Challenges, Belgrade. pp. 104-116.
- Djukić, M.; Djunisijević-Bojović, D.; Pavlović, P.; Mitrović, M.; Grbić, M.; Skočajić, D.; Lukić, S. (2014): Influence of Fe Nutrition on Photosynthesis in Pb Treated Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Seedlings. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 23(5): 1565-1571.
- Lukić S, Belanović S, Dožić S (2013): The effects of planting in bench terraces on carbon sequestration in soil. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Soil Science – XIII National Congress in Soil Science September 23-26th 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 222-231. ISBN 978-86-911273-4-3
- Lukić, S., Knežević, M., Belanović, S. (2010): Ameliorative Afforestation in Carbon Accumulation. Global Change – Challenges for Soil Management – Advances in Geoecology 41, Catena Verlag: 257-268. Reiskirchen, Germany
- Dožić, S., Đukić, M., Bogdanović, G., Stanojlović, R., Lukić, S., Đunisijević-Bojović, D., Bjedov, I. (2010): New approach to the reclamation of the old flotation tailings in Bor. Buletin of the Faculty of Forestry 101: 35-48.
- Lukić, S., Dožić, S. (2006): Poplar Eficiency in Shelterbelts at Some Localities in Vojvodina Buletin of the Faculty of Forestry 93: 121-128.