
Centers and laboratories

Center for monitoring, data collection and processing of data in the field of silviculture

Center for monitoring, data collection and processing of data in the field of silviculture, which was established in 2008 (2008 Statute of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry, revised text, adopted by the Faculty Council, at its meeting held on 12th March, 2008 ).
The main activity of the Center is collecting and processing of data from the sample plots collected during the work of the Chair members in the field, or in the course of work on the research projects and projects of cooperation with forest industry.
The Center has modern computer equipment and appropriate software used in data processing, graphical data presentation, statistical data analysis, visualization of stand conditions, simulation of appropriate silvicultural operations and optimization of solutions.

Head of Center: Dr. Branko Kanjevac, Phd teaching assistant
Location of the Center: Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, third floor, room no. 130a
Phone Number: 011 3053 803
e-mail: branko.kanjevac@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Laboratory technician: Uroš Perišić

Center for Monitoring Climate Change in Forest Ecosystems

The Center for Monitoring Climate Change in Forest Ecosystems was established in 2018.
The main activity of the Center is collecting data on climatic characteristics, from experimental areas, their analysis and impact on forest ecosystems during the work of members of the Department in the field, or during work on scientific research projects and projects of cooperation with forest management.
The center has professional staff in this field, modern equipment and computer software for collecting, processing, graphical presentation of data, statistical analysis and more.

Head of Center: Dr. Violeta Babić, associate professor
Location of the Center: Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, third floor, room no. 128
Phone Number: 011 3053 896
e-mail: violeta.babic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Laboratory technician: Uroš Perišić