Vesna Đukić
E-mail: vesna.djukic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Consultation: уторак, 12‒14 часова
Dr Vesna Đukić was born on January 24, 1972 in Belgrade. She enrolled at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade in 1990. She graduated in June 1996, at the Department of Hydrotechnic Engineering, as the first graduate in her generation and with an average grade of 8.63. She received the award of the Faculty of Civil Engineering for the best achieved success at the Department of Hydrotechnic Engineering during her studying. She received her Magisterium degree in 2000 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade and her Doctoral degree in 2011 at the same faculty.
After graduation, she was employed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade as an Associate engineer in the period from 1996 to 2001. She started work at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade in 2001, as a teaching assistant of the subject: “Hydraulics with Hydrology”. She was elected assistant professor in December 2011, for the narrow scientific field: “Hydrology”. She was appointed associate professor in November 2016, for the narrow scientific fields: “Hydrology” and “Mechanics of incompressible fluids and hydraulics”. In February 2022, she was appointed full professor for the narrow scientific field: “Hydrology, fluid mechanics and hydraulics”.
In her scientific research and professional work, Dr Vesna Đukić is engaged in research in the fields of hydraulics, hydrology and river hydraulics. Within the framework of river hydraulics, she deals with the research activities of erosion, transport and sedimentation processes in river basins. She also deals with the development and application of mathematical models in solving various hydraulic, hydrological and sedimentation problems in practice.
So far, she has published 46 scientific papers, and in 33 of them she is the first or independent author. She has participated in 14 scientific-research and professional projects. She is the author of two books: one practicum – “Practicum for Hydraulics” and one textbook – “Hydraulics”.
In September 2021, she gave three invited lectures at Universities in Slovakia and Czech Republic. She also gave an invited lecture at the International Conference: 1st Young Researcher’s Conference – Erosion and Torrent Control in November 2018.
She is a member of the following national and international organizations:
• Serbian Society for Hydraulic Research
• Serbian Hydrological Society
• Serbian Society for Soil Research
• Serbian Society for Water Protection
• Chambers of Engineers of Serbia (license no. 314P55614)
• WASWC (World Organization for Conservation of Land and Water);
Scientific area
Hydraulics, Hydrology, River hydraulics
Research interests
Hydrology, fluid mechanics and hydraulics
Engaging Teaching
Undergraduate studies
Accreditation 2021
- Hydraulics in the protection of soil and water resources
- Open flow hydraulics
- Water protection
- Water management of hilly and mountainous areas
- Designing in torrents
- Practice 3
- Practice 4
- Practice 5
Accreditation 2013
- Hydraulics in the protection of soil and water resources
- Water management of hilly and mountainous areas
- Sediment management
Master’s degree studies
Accreditation 2021
- Surface water resources
Accreditation 2013
- Water resources in hilly and mountainous areas
Master’s degree studies in english
Accreditation 2021
- River Basin Management
PhD studies
Accreditation 2021
- Modeling of hydrological and sedimentation processes in torrent basins
- Transport and sedimentation processes in torrents
Accreditation 2013
- Modeling of hydrological and sedimentation processes in torrent basins
- Transport and sedimentation processes in torrents
Selected papers
- Đukić, V., Erić, R., Dumbrovsky, M., Sobotkova, V. (2021): Spatio-temporal Analysis of Remotely Sensed and Hydrological Model Soil Moisture in the Small Jičinka River Catchment in Czech Republic. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 69, 1, pp. 1 – 12, 0042-790X, 10.2478/johh-2020-0038.
- Đukić, V., Erić, R. (2021): SHETRAN and HEC HMS Model Evaluation for Runoff and Soil Moisture Simulation in the Jičinka River Catchment (Czech Republic). Water, MDPI, 13, 6, 2073-4441, 10.3390/w13060872.
- Erić, R., Kadović, R., Đurđević, V., Đukić, V. (2021): Future changes in extreme precipitation in central Serbia. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 69, 2, pp. 196 – 208, 0042-790X, 10.2478/johh-2021-0006
- Erić, R., Todorović, A., Plavšić, J., Đukić, V. (2019): Rainfall-runoff simulations in the Lukovska River Basin with the HEC-HMS model. Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 119, pp. 33 – 60, 0353-4537, 556.06:519.876.5, 10.2298/GSF1919033E
- Ђукић, В., Ерић, Р. (2018): Анализа транспорта наноса у каналима Дунав-Тиса-Дунав. Зборник радова 18. научног саветовања Српског друштва за хидрауличка истраживања и српског друштва за хидрологију. пп. 1 – 19, 978-86-7518-204-7, Ниш, 25. – 26. Окт, 2018.
- Ерић, Р., Плавшић, Ј., Ђукић, В. (2018): Моделирање времеснких серија годишњих и месечних протока на реци Сави код Сремске Митровице. Зборник радова 18. научног саветовања Српског друштва за хидрауличка истраживања и српског друштва за хидрологију. пп. 1 – 17, 978-86-7518-204-7, Ниш, 25. – 26. Окт, 2018
- Đukić, V., Erić, R., Lukić, S. (2017): Spatial and temporal estimation of flooding and erosion susceptible areas by application of a physically based distributed model. SOLUTIONS AND PROJECTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE SOIL MANAGEMENT. pp. 235 – 245, 978-86-912877-1-9, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25. – 28. Sep, 2017
- Đukić, V., Radić, Z. (2016) Sensitivity Analysis of a Physically Based Distributed Model. Water Resources Management 30: 1669-1684. DOI 10.1007/s11269-016- 1243-8
- Đukić, V., Radić, Z. (2014): GIS Based Estimation of Sediment Discharge and Areas of Soil Erosion and Deposition for the Torrential Lukovska River Catchment in Serbia, Water Resources Management 28 (13), p. 4567-4581. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11269-014-0751-7
- Đukić, V. (2014): Analysis of Groundwater Recharge of the Basin of Kolubara River in Serbia, Advances in Geoecology 43: Challenges: Sustainable Land Management – Climate Change, CATENA VERLAG, 35447 Reiskirchen, Germany, pp. 322-336. Editors: Miodrag Zlatić, Belgrade University, Serbia, Stanimir Kostadinov, Belgrade University, Serbia, ISBN 978 – 3 – 923381 – 61 – 6. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20153085285