
Otvorena predavanja na temu: Uticaj zelenila na zdravlje urbane populacije


(moderator: Prof. dr Jelena Tomićević-Dubljević)

5. mart 2020. god. (Šumarski fakultet, Sala za sednice)

10:00- 10:30 Uticaj hortikulturne terapije na mentalno zdravlje ljudi u urbanim sredinama
(dr Maja Vujčić Trkulja, docent, Životna sredina i održivi razvoj, Univerzitet Singidunum)

10:30-10:45 Studija slučaja „Šumski velnes“ u Specijalnom rezervatu prirode Obedska bara (Mast.inž.šum. Ivana Lozjanin, samostalni referent za zaštićena područja i životnu sredinu JP “Vojvodinašume“)

10:45-11:00 Isceliteljski vrtovi i iskustva u primeni hortikulturne terapije u Arboretumu Šumarskog fakulteta (dr Dragana Skočajić, docent, Šumarski fakultet)

11:00-12:00 Outdoor environments and health-promotion: experience of Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden in Sweden (Anna María Pálsdóttir, Ph.D. in landscape planning and environmental psychology (SLU)).

Anna Maria Palsdottir works as a researcher in environmental psychology. She works with conceptual development and scientific evaluations of nature-based and nature-supported interventions that are conducted in various outdoor environments for different target groups. She also conducts a research on the content and design of health-promoting outdoor environments and how we can shape and build sustainable places for health and well-being. Since 2007 Anna Maria Palsdottir has been specifically working on a research at Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden as a case study where focus has been on three main target groups: individuals recovering from stress related mental disorders (as PhD), individuals recovering from post-stroke fatigue (as a post-doc) and migrants in need of vocational rehabilitation (as a principal investigator).